Personal Mission Statement
Art Resource Kit
2019 Jan
For the module Art Education & Outreach, I was tasked to create an art resource kit for primary school children and create a video about it. I decided to create a kit of children to learn more about stress management through a fun and hands-on activity.
What I Did:
Curated 1 resource kit inclusive of:
Hands-on Activity
Reflection Sheet
Edited 1 video with product demonstration & explanation
Researched on a suitable topic for the target audience
Pitching of product idea
What I Learnt:
Innovative Thinking
Content Curation
Product Planning for Children
Pitching Skills
Adobe Software
Adobe PremierPro
Education Package
2019 Jan
For the modules Development of Theatre and Drama and Visual Communication, my group was tasked to create an education package, targeted towards teenagers about the playwright, Henrik Ibsen.
My team and I decided to create a board game that is both fun and educational.

What I Did:
Appointed leader of the project
Scheduled meetings
Set expectations and deadlines
Research on credible information about the playwright
Pitching the package through a presentation
Handled conflicts which occurred
Handled administrative matters
Finding a supplier for printing
Purchasing of materials
Designed various aspects of the package:
Playing Board
Instruction Sheets
Playing Cards
Punishment Sheet
What I Learnt:
Content Curation
Conflict Resolution
Product Planning for Teenagers
Pitching Skills
Adobe Software
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator